
Icon Writers / 27 11 月, 2020

ICON 於中國開設第二間癌症中心

Today, 27 November 2020, Icon Group’s second cancer centre in Mainland China was officially opened. The new Icon Cancer Centre in Chongqing, a megacity in southwest China will offer the latest in radiation therapy technology and techniques benefitting the millions of people living in Chongqing and surrounding regions.

Alongside experienced doctors and clinical teams, the centre, located inside Sanbo Chang’an Hospital (Sanbo), is equipped with a Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator which has the capability to deliver the most advanced cutting-edge treatment techniques for a wide range of cancers. It will also be the first in China to offer Varian’s HyperArc technology, an advanced treatment technique delivering pin-point radiation to multiple brain tumours rather than treating the whole brain with radiation.

ICON集團行政總裁Mark Middleton在演講時指出,是次中心的落成是癌症醫療和護理服務發展史上的一大突破,標誌著集團發展歷程的另一個重要里程碑。


ICON集團的澳洲專責遙距支援服務部門將支援中心的先進服務發展,當中包括引入澳洲最先進的尖端科技 —— 放射治療計劃。在先進的服務模式下,放射劑量師團隊能進行跨時區工作,提供高效的周轉、制定高質素和高複雜性的治療計劃。






Middleton先生表示:「ICON在過去數十年來,一直站在澳洲和新加坡癌症醫療和護理服務的最前線。我們現正將同等的專業知識引進至有需要地區,因為我們深信 —— 您的生命不應受制於您的居住地區。」

The official opening ceremony included special guests including leaders and official members of the Chongqing local government, Mr Graham Fletcher, Australian Ambassador to China, dignitaries from Sanbo group and Sanbo Chang-an Hospital including Mr Zhang Yang, Chairman of Sanbo Brain Hospital, Mr Qing Zhou, President of Chongqing Sanbo Chang’an Hospital, and Sanbo Vice Presidents, Mr Quankun Sun and Lixin Wei. The afternoon proceedings included a doctor seminar which saw China and Australia Radiation Oncologists collaborating and sharing the latest in radiation oncology.

This seminar also recognised the 15-year anniversary of Brisbane and Chongqing as sister cities with the new Icon Cancer Centre a milestone in this ever-growing relationship. Icon continues to expand services into Mainland China with another three centres set to open in China by mid-2021.

“For decades we have remained at the forefront of cancer care in Australia and Singapore. We are now bringing that same level of expertise to areas in need. Because where you live, should not determine if you live,” said Mr Middleton.

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