- 充滿活力和支援的工作環境
- 獎勵計劃和員工福利
- 多元化且獨特的跨學科職涯發展路徑
- 接觸嶄新科技和新興發展的體驗
- 獨特臨床機遇
- 參與研究和臨床試驗
- 接觸國家領先癌症專家
- 競爭性薪酬和彈性組織架構
- 管理層嘉許和協助就業發展
- 著重員工專業發展
- 憑藉 ICON 亞洲和紐西蘭的擴展,獲得國際機遇
- 謹守企業價值觀,推動良好的企業文化

ICON 的福利
ICON 集團助您邁向成功。
Launched on World Cancer Day (4 February) in 2018, the Middleton Scholarship is an annual prize personally funded by Icon Group CEO, Mark Middleton, and his family. The scholarship focuses on empowering staff across Icon Group with continued professional development and meaningful opportunities.

這些活動亦涵蓋網上研討會,探討由我們iconic女性提出的有興趣議題。活動包括與澳洲聯邦銀行合辦的財務健康工作坊、與 Chelsea Pottenger 合辨的靜觀和健康課程以及由國際抗癌聯盟主席約旦公主 Dina 主持的問答環節。
於2019年,集團推出了我們的「ICON 集團Iconic女性」podcast,分享來自ICON 集團以及商業合作夥伴、支持者和提倡者的勵志訪談。

About Icon Group
Icon Group is Australia’s largest dedicated cancer care provider and has expanded globally into Singapore, Mainland China, Hong Kong and New Zealand.

Our people
People from across Icon Group share their stories of success, career progression and being iconic.
A career with Icon
At Icon, you’ll help change lives, every single day. In return for your passion, dedication and agility, we offer a workplace where you can.
Read the latest news and updates across Icon Group.