Slade Pharmacy achieves national accreditation for Advanced Pharmacy Australia’s Resident Training Program

Icon Writers / 05 Sep, 2024

We’re pleased to announce our pharmacy brand, Slade Pharmacy has received group-wide provisional accreditation to deliver the Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) (formerly Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia) Resident Training Program across our national pharmacy network.

This significant achievement highlights our commitment to improving patient care and supporting the professional development of early-career pharmacists.

AdPha is Australia’s peak professional organisation supporting more than 5,200 pharmacists, interns, students, technicians and associates working across Australia’s healthcare systems. The AdPha accreditation process evaluates a pharmacy’s commitment, capacity, and capability to offer a comprehensive range of practice-based experiences.

Slade Pharmacy successfully demonstrated our compliance with these high standards, showcasing our ability to provide the necessary learning and operational environments for candidate pharmacists to achieve the relevant professional competencies in the delivery of patient-centred care and pharmacy services.

In 2017, Slade Pharmacy Hollywood in Western Australia was one of the first sites in the AdPha Resident Training Program’s inaugural year.

The provision of a national accreditation allows more early-career hospital pharmacists access to the program that provides exposure to a diverse range of pharmacy services, enhancing their clinical skills and experience in patient-centred care. The pilot program will begin next month in Queensland across four sites. This new structure involves six monthly rotations at a site relevant to the rotation area over the two-year program.

Group Chief Operating Officer of Pharmacy, Russell Hill, says this recognition aligns with our commitment to nurturing our people and fostering a culture of continual learning.

“This group-wide accreditation is a testament to our ongoing commitment to professional development within our pharmacy teams,” said Russell.

“The AdPha Resident Training Program will provide invaluable opportunities for our junior pharmacists to engage in experiential learning and clinical supervision, ultimately improving the quality of patient care and customer service across our national network.”

Early career pharmacist, Sei Jeong has been accepted into the program and is now beginning this valuable learning opportunity.

“I started my journey with the organisation as a pharmacy student in 2022 and now I’m excited to be a Resident Candidate,” said Sei Jeong.

“I joined the group to gain a variety of experiences, particularly in oncology.

“I think the resident program offers an excellent foundation for early career pharmacists or anyone who is new to hospital. The program means a lot to my career development, and I’m looking forward to working in different roles, learning about diverse patient groups, and discovering my area of clinical interest.

“I’m excited to be in this new multi-site resident program as it’s a great opportunity to experience new hospitals and build connections.”


Beyond the initial rollout in Queensland, Slade Pharmacy plans to replicate this model across other states and extend the resident program at its regional and remote locations. This expansion will increase access to the program and create a culture of upholding clinical excellence and best in class pharmacy services.

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