2023 Annual Research Report

Icon Writers / 20 Jun, 2024

We’re pleased to share our 2023 Annual Research Report which highlights Icon’s commitment to advancing cancer treatment and technology through our leading global clinical trials program.

In 2023 we welcomed further growth and research developments, broadening our reach and driving forward Icon’s research capabilities. Some notable achievements include:

  • The introduction a full trials program at Icon Cancer Centre Townsville, Queensland to deliver access to research in a regional community.
  • Building the foundations of our precision medicine research partnerships and programs.
  • Realigning Icon Cancer Foundation and the strategy of the Investigator Initiated Trials portfolio.
  • Growing our research presence in Southeast Asia through maturing Icon’s Singapore clinical trials portfolio.

We also welcomed a new Director of Research (Medical Oncology and Haematology), Dr Craig Gedye. Craig is an exceptional clinician and dedicated researcher with a wealth of knowledge and endless commitment to advances in cancer treatment. Craig’s contribution is already seeing growing research interest from Icon’s network of doctors, and he continues to work closely with our Director of Research (Radiation Medicine and Theranostics), A/Prof Jonathan Ramsay to move the dial on research opportunities.

As we reflect on last year’s achievements we set our sights on our future strategy with a truly global lens. In the next few years’ Icon’s research will continue to grow in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand and broaden into the United Kingdom and Malaysia. We will also open more trials and explore research opportunities in the field of Theranostics.

Together we’re contributing to improvements and outcomes in cancer treatment and beyond and bringing more hope and care to more people every day.

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