Congratulations to Margie Hjorth on joining the CNSA Board of Directors

Icon Writers / 22 Jul, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce that Icon Group’s Director of Nursing, Margie Hjorth has joined the Board of Directors of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA), Australia’s peak professional nursing body.

Margie is a long-standing member of CNSA and has held past chair and current member positions on several committees. She is instrumental in ensuring high standards of care and contributing to nurse education and advocating for cancer nurses to deliver the best possible patient outcomes.

Margie said it’s an honour to represent cancer nurses nationally.

“It’s a real privilege to be on the CNSA Board and connect with like-minded professionals all advocating for cancer nurses,” she said.

“CNSA is a great organisation who foster excellence in cancer care and support the significant role cancer nurses play in patient care at all levels.”

Empowering nurses

In her role as Director of Nursing, Margie leads the development and strategic direction of nursing across the global network, including promotion of career pathways, education modules, policies and procedures, and ongoing professional development opportunities.

She is also subject coordinator at University of Melbourne designing and delivering radiation oncology nursing modules and works closely with City Cancer Challenge on developing remote education programs for low to middle income countries.

Picture: Announcement of CNSA Board of Directors

Margie believes by promoting the voices of nurses through education, training and mentoring we can influence the quality of cancer care.

“I want to advocate for cancer nurses to be at the forefront of decision making and have a lasting impact on the delivery of care across the nation,” she exclaims.

Future healthcare

Margie’s strategic role in the development of cancer nurses globally will bring invaluable insights and contributions to the CNSA Board of Directors and elevate nursing to improve the future of healthcare.

“I look forward to helping influence the direction of oncology nursing in Australia and continue to create a highly skilled cancer nurse workforce to improve the way we treat cancer and provide greater access to quality care,” said Margie.

Icon is proud to have highly experienced team members and clinicians represented on peak bodies like CNSA and other international organisations contributing to health policy and future direction.

Please join us in congratulating Margie on this significant achievement. We look forward to the positive impact she will continue to make in the nursing community.

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