Russell Hill

Chief Executive Officer – Pharmacy (Acting)

Russell is an experienced pharmacist with a deep understanding of the pharmacy industry. He has a strong focus on delivering operational excellence to Icon’s hospital partners, customers, teams and patients.

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As acting CEO for Pharmacy, Russell leads all aspects of the Group’s hospital pharmacy and retail operations with a strong focus on clinical excellence.

Russell brings a wealth of experience and deep understanding of the pharmacy industry to his role. He has worked in senior pharmacy management across both public and private sectors in Australia and the United Kingdom and is a former Board Director of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and has held the position of Chair of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) Leadership and Management Committee four years. He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy and postgraduate clinical pharmacy and management (MBA) qualifications from Curtin University and the Nottingham University Business School. He has also held numerous roles during his tenure at Icon including Director of Pharmacy Practice Unit, General Manager for Pharmacy Services in Western Australia, and State Manager for Icon’s cancer services in Western Australia and South Australia. His extensive experience across both cancer care and pharmacy enables a comprehensive approach to operations and a focus on multidisciplinary clinical quality and expertise.

Russell is an engaged and hands on leader keen to develop and deliver extended roles for pharmacy team members across Icon Group and ensure the division meet their strategic goals. For Russell, a focus on operational excellence across all levels of the business is key to a supportive workforce, and most importantly the delivery of exceptional pharmacy services for patients and communities.


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