Meet Courtney Bridge, our dynamic Administration Manager for Icon Cancer Centre, Southport, Queensland. Courtney manages a team of nine, and every day, she and her crew go above and beyond to support the hospital’s medical oncology and haematology patients. Find out why Courtney’s motivated to provide exceptional care and service to every patient who walks through Icon’s doors.

Meet Courtney Bridge
Administration Manager – Icon Cancer Centre
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100% patient care: How Courtney found her place at Icon
The best care possible
From the moment Courtney walks into the bright, welcoming Icon Cancer Centre at Southport, she’s ready to take on the day’s challenges. Courtney oversees the day-to-day running of the doctor’s medical practice and day hospital administration. However, her role encompasses much more than spreadsheets, schedules and bookings.
An empathetic people-person, Courtney puts a huge amount of her prodigious energy into looking after every patient. What does that look like? If you visit the centre late in the day, you might find Courtney, her shift finished, having a friendly cup of tea with a patient until their lift arrives. Or she could be out in the car park, helping elderly patients to their vehicles.

“It’s important to me to feel connected to each patient,” Courtney says. “It’s such a scary journey navigating cancer and palliative care. But we are here to help, answer their questions and hopefully make them feel safe and supported. I like to play a small part in each patient’s journey, and so we, as a team, strive to be exceptional.”
Courtney knows what she does makes a difference in patients’ lives. She and her team have built strong relationships with many during their treatment. Sometimes, patients will call in, just to say hello. They’ll ask about Courtney’s kids and Courtney always makes them feel welcome.
Her dedication to providing the best care possible is just one reason Courtney has been nominated by her peers for Icon Group’s Annual Awards and was a finalist for the On-Purpose value in 2018.

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Close to home
Before joining Icon in 2015 as a receptionist at the Southport centre, Courtney was a successful real estate agent on the Gold Coast, and in the booming coal seam gas towns of Chinchilla and Miles, Queensland. But she soon discovered that landlords and manic auctions were a far cry from her new role at Icon. At first, Courtney found it overwhelming to see patients, especially young men and women, come in with terminal diagnoses. The experience opened her eyes to how many people are affected by cancer.
Then, Courtney’s mother, Tracey was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, and Courtney gained a deeper understanding of exactly how important she and her team were. Courtney’s mother has been an integral member of the Icon Southport team since 1999 and also helped to train Courtney. After being an employee for so many years and supporting our patients, Tracey became a patient of Icon herself.
“With my mother, we went on a journey as a patient and a patient’s family. I didn’t understand before just how important a place and role like this is in the community. It highlighted to me how lucky we are to have these services available. And it’s not just about the patients – it’s about everyone in their lives – their family, children and friends.”
Fortunately, Tracey’s cancer was detected early, and she’s now back working with Icon, some days with Courtney by her side. The experience of supporting her mum through cancer helped Courtney appreciate how important it is to have a centre on the Gold Coast, close to home for so many residents.
“You may have cancer, but the thing is, you still need to live your life, and it helps if you can get treatment close to home,” Courtney says. “Icon has cancer centres across Australia and even overseas. This means our patients can start treatment at one centre and continue to visit family in another city and have their treatment at our centre there. And the more centres we open, the more it allows people to be where they need to be and still get the care they need”
Leading a true team
Courtney is responsible for the administration team at Southport; however, her sense of “team” encompasses the doctors, pharmacists and nurses, too.
“If, say, the nurses are having a busy day and I have the capacity, I’ll help them out by bringing the patients down to the clinics and helping organise the doctors. We all do what we can to support each other, no matter our role – even if it’s just getting a coffee and a snack for whoever is having a full-on day.”
Courtney’s team appreciates the effort she makes to support them, too. They know she’s got their back and will always step up to help them out.
“Just because I have a title under my name tag doesn’t make me above anyone,” Courtney says emphatically. “I am one of the team, so I always jump on the floor. I will always support my team wherever I can.”
Courtney goes above and beyond to foster connection across the team. A keen baker and cake decorator, she’s known to bring in sweet treats for fundraisers. She’s also previously put up her hand to chop her long locks for Leukaemia Foundation’s The World’s Greatest Shave. Courtney decided to participate with the husband of a patient who had lost her life to cancer. The man grew his beard for two years to raise funds. He hoped to help other families avoid experiencing what he had. Courtney and several other brave team members participated in the shave and raised $10,000 for cancer research and support services. The event was a highlight for Courtney and has motivated her to continue to do the best she can for patients and her team.
“I just feel so content where I am right now. I know this is where I’m meant to be for my team, doctors and our patients because I can make a difference here.”
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Icon Group is Australia’s largest dedicated cancer care provider and has expanded globally into Singapore, Mainland China, Hong Kong and New Zealand.

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