Meet Sharna Duncan

Caring for her community and charting a nursing career

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Sharna Duncan elevates patient care at Icon Cancer Centre Mildura in regional Victoria with her exceptional blend of healthcare expertise, compassion, and a heart that brightens days. 

Born and raised in Mildura, Sharna’s deep-rooted connection to her hometown fuels her commitment to ensure that her community receives the best care possible.

Join us as we dive into Sharna’s inspiring nursing career, her deep connection to Mildura and its people, and how she used Icon’s Nursing Career Pathways Program to move from Registered Nurse to Associate Nurse Unit Manager. 

Discovering her purpose 

Sharna’s healthcare career began as a medical receptionist at a general practice clinic in Mildura, where she met Anita Erlandsen, current Site Manager at Icon Cancer Centre Mildura. Anita saw Sharna’s potential and encouraged her to pursue nursing. 

“I discovered I wanted to help people more than I could as a receptionist, often gravitating to the procedure room to observe clinical procedures and learn about nursing,” Sharna recalled.  

“It was after a joke and offhand comment from Anita that pushed me to study nursing, and I haven’t looked back since.” 

From that day forward, Sharna curated a diverse nursing career – working across rehabilitation, palliative care, wound and special care, aged care and general practice. During her time in general practice, Sharna found Icon and a career in cancer nursing.  

“I was interested in the difference I could make and learning a whole new world of nursing and have not regretted my move to Icon at all,” Sharna said.  

“Every day, every patient completing their treatment, laughing their way through their treatment and celebrating every little milestone is a highlight. This is the most moving and rewarding role I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing.” 

Connection at Heart

A personal loss solidified Sharna’s commitment to nursing, as she sought to support others during their most challenging times.

“The grief of losing someone close is forever, but it has shaped my nursing approach, ensuring I’m always empathetic and compassionate to every patient,” Sharna shared.

“We never know what someone else has been through or is going through, so having this frame of mind and being there for patients is of the utmost importance – not only asking how they are feeling but listening, caring and actioning these concerns.

“If I can make a patient smile or laugh whilst undergoing the hardest time of their lives’ then I feel it was a worthwhile day.”

Sharna believes joining Icon has also allowed her to make a real difference in her local community.

“I knew this service was a much-needed and valued addition to our growing town, and I instantly wanted to join,” Sharna said.

“Working for Icon and in regional healthcare is something I see myself doing for the rest of my career.”

Charting her ideal nursing career 

Sharna recently transitioned from Registered Nurse to Associate Nurse Unit Manager (ANUM), taking the next step in her nursing career and leaving her impact on the Mildura community. She utilised Icon’s Nursing Career Pathways Program to develop her leadership capabilities. 

“Having the Nursing Career Pathways Program to help me move into the ANUM role has been extremely helpful and has pushed me to challenge myself and believe I could do it,” Sharna said. 

“The team equipped me with all the tools I needed to make this next step in my career – discussing applying for the role, important interview tips and providing training and modules – equipping me for the interview process and transitioning into the role.” 

In her new role, Sharna aims to bring her diverse experience to enhance patient care in Mildura. 

“I am excited to keep developing the core Icon values for our patients in this role, not only during their treatment but following it – educating patients and ensuring they access treatment when needed.” Sharna expressed. 

“I also hope to instill all I’ve learnt over the years and these values into my younger nursing cohort too.” 

Utilising Icon’s Nursing Career Pathways Program 

Sharna encourages all nurses at Icon to utilise the Nursing Career Pathways Program to chart the perfect career for them. 

“While you must put in the work, my advice for nurses looking to advance their career is to access the Nursing Career Pathway Program – it is quick and easy, and the Nursing Education and Leadership want to help you succeed.  

“It’s expedited my goals from the knowledge and advice I gained in the program.” 

As a nurse here at Icon, you can expand, develop, and create your career. Across our diverse network of cancer care centres and services, we have a broad range of roles that allow you to chart your career path and create a future within our organisation.  

Whether you are drawn to advanced clinical roles, leadership, or research, Icon’s nursing team are committed to providing clear career pathways and ensuring nurses thrive and have every opportunity to deliver the best possible care. 

Learn more about our Nursing Career Pathways.


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